Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

This past Thanksgiving weekend, Renee and Alissa were in town! We had a wonderful time, except Joel and I were sick with a cold and sinus infections! Yuck! We split the day with my dad and Joel's dad's side. It was very nice to see everyone, even though it was for a short time on each side.

On Saturday evening, we went to my dad and Sheila's reception. It turned out very nice, and the girls had a wonderful time!! As you can see....Faith LOVES her cousin!! I don't think Alissa realizes just how much of an influence she is, and is going to be to Faith over the years! Faith learned to copy EVERYTHING Alissa did!! Right down to jumping on the sofa at the reception!! WOW! I never thought I would let my daughter act like that...but it was pretty darn cute! As you can see, she was a mess by the end of the evening!

These pictures are out of order....sorry

This was after jumping on the sofa....she had red cheeks, and one foot had come through her tights....
Cute Faith...before the running and jumping came out....
Just the 3 of us....

The girls....


Anonymous said...

All you girls look fabulous! Where did you get your cute blogger background?

The Collinsworth's said...

There is an icon on the very top left of the blog that shows where the background is from. Thanks!!